How to Organize Thousands of People and Products – On One Platform

How could Rich Products, a major food products corporation in more than 100 countries with over 4,000 products, implement an advanced master data solution that they project will increase sales by $12-14 million?

One word: IntelliTide.

When you have data strewn all across the globe and no coherent way to organize it, do what Rich Products did. Ask IntelliTide to cook up a single, customized platform for data quality, governance, e-commerce enablement, and supply chain and sales analytics.

Download the Rich Products Case Study

The Results of Our Rich Products "Recipe"

A central hub of accurate product information

Increased efficiencies in data management

Seamless integration with internal/external systems

Improved team collaboration

Enhanced data quality and governance

Find the Hidden Treasures in Your Master Data

IntelliTide’s knowledge and experience in custom e-commerce data management include B2B and B2C integration with any number of channels. Make your data more accurate and easier to access and go to market faster with our proven solutions.