Untangle the Confusing Rules of E-Syndication with Our Free Guide

E-commerce has become the most valuable outbound channel, with astonishing potential to drive revenue.

Yet every platform has different technical requirements. How can you cut through the clutter and find the architecture that works best for you?

Our new ebook shows you how to harness the power of e-syndication and MDM to drive revenue as never before.

Get the Complete Guide: What Does the E-Syndication MDM Architecture Pattern Mean for Your Business? (And What to Look for in an MDM Solution)

    Boost Your Sales with the Right MDM Solution

    See how to find the MDM solution that helps you:

    • Reduce labor and e-commerce costs
    • Leverage multiple e-commerce channels
    • Accelerate go-to-market

    Automate E-Commerce Content Syndication

    There's no need to memorize every platform's data rules when an MDM solution can automatically:

    • Establish a secure data connection
    • Transform item hierarchy from MDM to platform
    • Transform data to destination schemas
    • Account for various platform attribution rules/validations
    • Create MDM callback/replay mechanism to manage errors and resubmit data
    • Scale design for optimal performance

    Gain Key Insights with the Right MDM Solution

    Discover how high-quality MDM reveals:

    • The best balance between content richness and go-to-market speed
    • Drill-down analytics by product category